Monday, January 14, 2008

Tata Nano: World's envy, India's pride

Greatness engenders envy, envy engenders hate and hate fosters gossip. Lord Voldemort in Harry Potter (Book 6) says something similar! The truth is indeed true, no matter who utters it and in what context.

Do not be put off. This is indeed a post about Tata's newest brainchild, the Tata Nano. It is refreshing to know about a CEO who delivers on a promise. One who keeps his word and delivers the first car for Rs 1 Lakh. Being an engineer myself, I can imagine the rate of innovation to launch a hitherto unknown product. If you have seen the number of patents filed during the development of the A380, you would get the picture: Invention and Innovation go hand in hand. Knowledge and knowhow are generated only through enterprise. Of course, the A380 will ply far above the clouds but the spirit is the same in the Tata Nano project. Yet, I wonder why the international media is bent on bashing the Nano. Why does everyone from the BBC to the CNN all the way down under to Channel 9 cover the purported flipside of the Nano. Why doesn't the world stand up and salute an inspired innovater.

Flashback to the late 1930's. Hitler had arrived and so had the German nation. The nation needed a people's car. It was the Volkswagen (lit. people's car). In spite of the lack of the internet, the Volkswagen wasn't greeted with uniform hostility; and look what Hitler did thereafter! 80 years later, an Indian innovation is being dubbed Hitleresque for the environment. With so much media space dedicated to the auto industry, I wonder why every major tabloid fails to acknowledge the achievement.

Rest assured, the Nano is here to stay. In India and across a lot of the alleged 3rd world the family car segment still lies wide open to cost reduction. Technically and economically, the Nano fits the bill. It will irrevocably improve the standard of living across a significant section of the world population. Undeniably, it will impact 2-wheeler sales thereby balancing out the purported environmental Armageddon. Anyone who has witnessed rural families travel in India will remember a family of four on a bicycle or motorcycle. Let me add: the motorcycle sometimes runs on kerosene. Such practices and their underlying mindsets are bound to change due to this "people's car" of the 21st century.

Despite everything, the international media labors to bash the Nano. Even the US tried to delay the inevitable before giving a grudging thumbs-up. The Australian media surpassed its own naivette. I have witnessed a lot of bilge cooked up to ape CNN on Australian networks. When it came to the Nano, they did a thorough job of surpassing their own ineptitude. Channel 9 reported that the Nano is available for $800. Australian or American, this figure is downright 'BullS***'. Then they took to harping the environmental line painting an impending doomsday.

Is it envy, is it a superiority complex or is it a warped fear of failiure? Australia, as a nation doesn't mind living on cheap Chinese-made consumables: from 'Made in China' Treadmills to 'Made in China' toilet paper. Yet, the nation is plied with media bilge that a billion Indians with a billion cars are going to usher the Day of Judgement.

No, its neither envy nor hate, it is mere IGNORANCE!


trashhead said...

nice read.. but please do think about the background.. it gave me a. headache.. :)

Bharat Sundaram said...

checked your blog mate... not a common color combination on n00b either!!

But I just love black... so do reduce the brightness if its too irksome.

Nice to hear from you.